A Family Art Project

We have lived in our house for 10+ years. 

The same pictures over the piano have been in the same frames for at least 7 years (the Big Girl’s one year portraits!). 

I was sick of them. 

I was sick of the heavy antique brassy looking frames, I was sick of the same old stuffy pictures, I was sick of dusting them, I was just plain ol’ sick of them.  And while I’m at it, I should also mention that I was sick of dusting the “collections” of eggs, ivory elephants, and photos on top of the piano. 

So, we I needed something different.

I decided to let the kids and my husband create the new piece to hang over the piano. 

My request was quite simple really:  Go pick out your favorite color from the paint wall at Hobby Lobby. 

Well, I really should have known better. 

I just knew that the Big Girl would pick turquoise, the Little Man would pick red or orange (and I was holding out for red), and the husband, well that’s another matter.  Let’s just say I’m grateful he didn’t pick forest green or beige, because those are the only two colors he wore for the first 5-6 years I knew him!!

Here’s what we wound up with: 100_7906

a beachy turquoise (it was that or lime and I’m so relieved she went with her first choice),

orange (remember his first quilt?)

golden yellow (it’s about the same color as the kitchen walls), and

purple.  PURPLE!!!!   What the heck?  Oh well.

So, we set to work.

I sprayed my canvas (picked up with a 40% off coupon from HL) with my new favorite color: 

Rust-oleum Painter’s Touch Heirloom White.


Then we taped in our design. 

Now, normally at this point, if a blogger were showing you the steps in a process, they’d show you a picture of the taping process. 

But not us.  Nope. 

Because I was too busy explaining to the hubby that,

“No, we are not going to just put the tape down the center of each side and make it symmetrical.” 

Really, what was he thinking? 

Anyway, after the canvas was taped off, we took turns painting our own squares. 

Purple (Again, I ask myself, “Purple?”)



(In this picture, the BG turq looks green because somebody painted their yellow in the square she had already claimed.  I offered to trade, but she wanted that square, so she just painted over it with 3 coats!)


After it was dry, we ripped off the blue painter’s tape.

Here’s our new art:


It’s wonderfully loud and obnoxious and bold,

but like someone pointed out—it’s just like us!




5 thoughts on “A Family Art Project”

  1. Love the new art piece!!! Looks like fun! I do have to say that literally laughed about A's color choice especially in regard to his previous wardrobe!!!! The good ole days!

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