Keepin’ On

Matthew 7:7


During his sermon series based on The Sermon on the Mount, Bro. Chuck said something that has stuck with me.  In fact, during the sermon, I knew that this would become a reminder hung in our home.

I learned Matthew 7:7 as “Ask and it will be given unto you, seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be opened unto you.”  Bro. Chuck said that the more accurate translation of Matthew 7:7 is “Keep asking, keep seeking, keep knocking…”.

Wow!  As I’m praying for friends and family facing situations that seem so difficult and hard to understand, this new perspective on Matthew 7:7 inspires me to keep praying, to keep asking, and to continue this asking and praying with the faith that God is bigger than this world.

One thought on “Keepin’ On”

  1. Trying this from my phone. Hope it works. Anyway, that came up in Sunday School last week too. We are to KOKO…keep on keeping on. I think maybe God wants me hear this especially since I’m starting to feel discouraged with this ongoing illness. :). My situation is definitely not as difficult as many others’ situations but is wearing on me lately. Thanks for posting. 🙂

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