Another giant B

I love words.  And letters. 

Needless to say, that means that I’m loving all the subway art I’ve seen recently. (Exhibit A: my header.  Exhibit B:  the morning chore reminder.)

While curly, swirly monograms aren’t my favorite, I am also in love with all the modern, giant letters I see showing up on Pinterest.  (Follow me here.)

So, when our local HL ran chipboard letters for about 50% off, I grabbed a 10-inch ‘B’ for $1 and a skein of grey yarn.  One episode of PR later, I had this:

grey yarn B

So easy, so cool.  It’s the perfect touch to our updated (read as "new shower curtain and a print”) yellow, grey and aqua bathroom.

One thought on “Another giant B”

  1. LOVE it. Definitely going to copy. 🙂 I need a "W" for a collection of frames that we nailed on the wall today. This will be perfect.

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