Braggin’ Time

We’re counting down the days ‘til Summer Break (only 7!!!!!) but until then, I thought I brag on the kids just a little bit:

I don’t have any pictures, but the Big Girl competed in her first Louisiana Music Teachers Association Piano Rally (Northwest Louisiana Region) and WON her division. In case you were never forced never had the opportunity to participate, she played 3 pieces by memory, sight read 2 pieces, played scales, arpeggios and triads in 3 keys and took a written test. So, this was a really, really super-big deal!!! I’m so proud of her. She’s only been studying piano since July last year and she has a wonderful teacher.

The Little Man tested for Kindergarten at a local magnet school and BLEW THE TEST OUT OF THE WATER!!! Of course, we already knew he’d do fine, but waiting for those stinkin’ letters to come out was the pits. He’s excited about kindergarten—I think—but I can’t imagine what I’ll do without him at home next year!

BG had another art piece displayed at ART BREAK this year. Her art teacher said she always has a great stack of work and it’s hard for her to decide on one entry.


LM is still working hard at his karate class. He is one of about 8 little boys just starting out. They are so much fun to watch (when they listen, which is most of the time.) He promoted to the next level in his little kid class in April and in two weeks, he’ll test again for promotion.


2 thoughts on “Braggin’ Time”

  1. Good for them! Especially on the piano end–being a music teacher myself, I know that's a huge accomplishment for a first-year student!

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