Day 3 of Being Deliberate: Make a new friend

Ever feel like the odd man out?  I do.  A lot.  That is why today’s deliberate choice is on my list.  For Day 3, I wanted to choose to speak up, say hi, and make a new friend.

Confession time:  When I first made my list of 31 deliberate choices, I knew that Day 3 would fall on a Wednesday and a Bible study day.  With 250+ women in our Daytime BSF Class, meeting a new friend would be a breeze!

Wouldn’t you know, I got to Bible Study late and then walked to small group with a long-time friend!  So much for meeting someone new!

Then came the reminder that it was fellowship day!  Our small group was to meet at Holly’s house about 15 minutes after dismissal to get to know one another a little better.  Really?  Today?  But,  I had a huge stack of jon jons and longalls and jumpers and bloomers that need to be mailed by Friday and I’d already committed to a project for Thursday morning.  There just wasn’t time to play today.

Or was there?  Remember, I’m supposed to be making deliberate choices this month.  And wouldn’t you know, today was the day that I challenged myself to be deliberate in my relationships with others and make a new friend.

I went to the fellowship.  For an hour, I ate, laughed, prayed, listened, and talked with 8 other women.   In that short time of simple fellowship, I didn’t make one friend–I made 8!

Friendship starts with conversation.  So…let’s talk.  Are any of you trying something new for the 31 days of October?  How are you doing hanging in there on Day 3?


5 thoughts on “Day 3 of Being Deliberate: Make a new friend”

  1. Yay for new friends! And yes, I often feel like the odd man out. I told Dave recently that I really don’t fit in much of anywhere. Sometimes I don’t mind being the “odd” person in the group. But sometimes I mind it very, very much. Glad you made some new friends today!

  2. Good for you! Love this series, Salinda. I definitely need to take your challenge for today and make a new friend. We live in a military community in southern Italy and it’s hard to make and keep friends when everyone is always in transition. Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. Oh do Becca! Go out and have a conversation with a new friend today! While we aren’t military, here in the Shreveport/Bossier area, we are surrounded by so many families just stopping by for a few years until the Air Force moves them on. In fact, of my new friends from yesterday, I know 3 of them are military spouses! I pray that God brings a new friend your way today.

  3. How awesome! This is a challenging series! I also attend (or attended, just had a baby) BSF! Always love the fellowships.

    1. Hi Kristen! Congrats and best wishes with the baby! This year’s BSF has been amazing so far. I can’t begin to count how many times I’ve read the first 3 chapters of Genesis in my life. But…I’ve found so many new nuggets of wisdom studying it again during the last few weeks!

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