Deviled Eggs, Macaroni and Cheese, and Chocolate Pudding Pies

Deviled eggs, homemade mac and cheese, and chocolate pudding pies—it wouldn’t be a Holiday meal at my Nita’s without them!  If you asked my hubby, he’d say that no Christmas would be complete without his Grandmother’s snickerdoodles and pecan sandies.  Then there’s my Daddy’s fried turkey (or ham or brisket) and Momma’s potato salad that are a must at almost every family meal (no matter the time of year).

Does your family do this too—stuff yourselves on comfort food?  With Thanksgiving being only 2 (!!!!!) weeks away, I know I’m not the only one pulling out the recipes—both family favorites and at least one new one to try.

What are you cooking?  What recipe does your family expect to see on the table every holiday?  Are you trying any new ones?

***Speaking of Thanksgiving:  Don’t forget I’m giving away a $45 gift certificate to the shop on the day after Thanksgiving.  You can enter by signing up for my shop newsletter.  Just follow the “Sign up for our free newsletter!” link on the right side of this page.


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