Fall Sewing, Part 1 (AKA Boy, I’m glad we didn’t use her favorite fabric first)


Simplicity 2436

We saw this dress made up and displayed at one of our local fabric chains. The Big Girl loved it. Maybe because it was bright purple cord.
We brought the pattern home and decided to give it a go. I only had 2 pieces of corduroy in my stash and she didn’t love either of them, but I convinced the BG that we were “just practicing” so she had to pick from the fabrics I had. (Now, I have a huge stash, but since we only need warm clothes about 3 days a year, I just don’t keep a lot of warm fabrics on hand.)

I sure am glad we didn’t go buy any fabric just yet because the fit is just weird for my tall, skinny, almost-9 year old. I cut an 8. She’s really slim. Unfortunately, I just went with the numbers on the back of the pattern envelope and didn’t actually measure the pattern pieces. While my BG is very slim, her shoulders are too wide for this dress (at least in an 8). Also, it needs more length. My finished length was about 1 1/2 inches shorter than the envelope listed. I don’t know how it happened because I used all the recommendations for seam allowances and hems and such.

On a positive note, the pattern was easy to follow. It made up quickly. And—my fashion-designer-wannabe loves all the detail variations.

Next time, I’ll cut a 10 and maybe add a little more to the length. I think I’d prefer an invisible zip. Also, I think I’ll use bias tape to finish the neckline rather than the facings the pattern includes.

And—I’m sure there will be a next time. Actually 2 more times. I’d like to see this made up in a cotton with a crazy rock-star type appliqué and, of course, we need to make it in purple cord!

You can see my review on PR here.

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