Giving Thanks!

Counting My Blessings:
My salvation through Jesus Christ.
My husband who encourages and supports me.
The kids who are the most brilliant, creative beings.
My parents and parents-in-law, my sisters, and the rest of the gang.
Jane, Ashley, and Ashley.
And their little ones who my little ones love.
My imagination and creativity.
A warm home with plenty to eat.
Wonderful neighbors (Happy Belated Birthday Pam!).
Living in a country where I can speak up about
right and wrong and tell others, without shame, of my Source of joy.
Happy Thanksgiving!

4 thoughts on “Giving Thanks!”

  1. Hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving. I miss celebrating it so much.
    Amen to the first sentence of your post and prayers for those who are not able to speak and worship freely but do so in His name.

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