I love a good story…

Does your Christmas tree tell a story? Mine does.

It tells the story of…


new and…


things hand-made with love by little hands…

and big…

and long ago.

It tells of Grandmas and Grandpas and the ever-present thermos of coffee and love…

and growing families…

and firsts, like the first time your child put her toes in the ocean.

It tells of favorite things…

like childhood books…

hometowns and toys…

and treasured pets.

And best of all, it tells of Christmas long, long ago.

I hope your heart fills with a story as your decorate your home for the holidays!

5 thoughts on “I love a good story…”

  1. I think that every tree should tell a story!! We moved into a new house in the summer, and I have yet to unearth most of my ornaments that tell a story. I know I’ll find them.

  2. Hi,
    I just found your blog when I saw you were following mine. I LOVE this post because my tree is just like yours, it tells a story : ) I would say that 90 percent of the ornaments on our tree have a special meaning to them. There are Son and Daughter ornaments from each year since they were born, Sister ornaments, hand made ornaments from my children, a Mariners ornament from when my Daugter go to announce part of the game last season, one from Mexico from our trip, etc.. etc… Every year when we decorate it we reminice about 20 years of life together as a family. I hope you have a beautiful weekend!

  3. what a sweet and lovely post. thank you for sharing your wonderful ornament photo’s. 🙂

    ps – I seriously want that “Pat the Bunny” one!

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