On more glance at the Christmas tree…

It’s almost time to take the tree down. We will wait until next weekend to take down all the Christmas–and pull out some Mardi Gras! But until then, here are a few of the ornaments we’ve added this Holiday season:
Of course each has its own story.
The candy cane: The LM came home from school with a plain ol’ candy cane and said, “Mrs. Claus came to my class today and gave me this to put on the tree so Santa would know I listened good.” So we did.
The carousel: The kids and I took a weekend jaunt to New Orleans with my parents. We had a blast at Christmas in the Oaks and rode a carousel that went on and on and on and on… The best part of the entire trip–we were walking through “The Miracle on Fulton Street” when the LM saw a man (in regular clothes) with long white hair. As we walked past the man, LM looked backwards, with his chin on the ground, to see the man also had wire-rimmed glasses, rosy cheeks, a rounded belly, and a long white beard. Then, with his wife giggling beside him, the gentleman leaned down to LM and handed him a candy cane with a wink. I don’t know who was more excited to see the real Santa–LM, me, or my Dad!
The red bell: My grandmother gave this to me this year. My Dad made it back in his cub scout days.
The blue ball: Mrs. Lary sent these home with sweet fingerprint snowmen decorating them.
Somehow, I’ve misplaced the pictures of the ornaments from Great-Grandma, but she gave us 3 beautiful ones also.

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