Ready, Set, Serge


So my sewing friends, are you feeling a little more comfortable with your serger?  If you’re just joining us, during the last few weeks, I’ve introduced a few tidbits to make your serger a little more user-friendly.  Here’s what we’ve covered so far:

Week 1:  the parts of your machine and how to thread it

Week 2:  Selecting needles and threads for your project

Week 3:  Balancing the tension on your machine

And now we serge!

This basic pillowcase is a simple way to use all you’ve learned.  (This makes a standard pillowcase.)


1.  Cut 2 rectangles:

  1. 9″ x WOF of contrast trim
  2. 27″ x WOF of main fabric.Pillowcase Step 1

2.  Set your tension dials on your serger to match the settings that work best based on your tension maps.

Pillowcase Step 1A

3.  Fold the contrast trim in half, lengthwise and press well.Pillowcase Step 2

4.  Align the raw edges of the contrast trim and the main fabric, right sides together. Don’t worry if these two pieces of fabric aren’t the same width.  You can trim later.Pillowcase Step 3

5.  Serge across these raw edges.

Pillowcase Step 4

Pillowcase Step 4A

6.  Press open, pressing seam towards main fabric.

7.  Fold the pillowcase in half, wrong sides together, aligning raw edges.

Pillowcase Step 5B

Now’s the time to trim up any uneven edges.Pillowcase Step 5

8.  Serge down the long edge of the pillowcase.  Serge from end to end.  (You can’t pivot a corner like on a sewing machine.)


9.  Serge across the bottom edge of the pillowcase.  (Again, you can’t pivot, so after you finish the long edge, take the pillowcase off the machine and replace the short edge.)


10.  Turn it right side out and enjoy!


How’s that for a quick and easy project with your serger!



One thought on “Ready, Set, Serge”

  1. Thanks, dear niece! Now if I will just make the time to take my serger out of the moth balls and play with it again! Perhaps next week, or the week after that, or the week after that… you get the drift. Such is life around here.

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