Some more January Sewing

Well, it’s mid-way through the month and I decided to check the progress in my sewing basket:

PJ pants featuring a certain mouse for John, just because
Bedroom curtains
A belated Christmas shirt (hey Sarah, did I tell you I found the pattern finally?)
Ahoy! A Spring Wardrobe (reds, whites and blues)
Not, too bad. Plus, I’ve finished 2 orders, Will’s quiet book, and 12 of those too-cute penny pockets.
As for that wardrobe: it’s about 12 pieces and I know it will take longer than a month. In fact my first 10-piece SWAP took 2 months and both the 4-piece mini-SWAPS (mine & his) took a month. Look for the actual “Plan” part of my “Sewing With A Plan” in the next few days.

One thought on “Some more January Sewing”

  1. Wow, sounds like you’ve been productive. And I’m looking forward to seeing your SWAP plan– going to attempt one myself for the first time later this spring, hopefully, so I’m definitely interested to see how other people do it.

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