Tag Archives: baptism

Valentine’s Day 2012

Yes, I know that this post is a week late. But…I needed to savor God’s amazing glory just a bit before I shared with you.

If you’ve followed along with any of my blogs, you might have guessed that Valentine’s Day is bittersweet for me.

The bitter:  Late at night on Thursday, February 12, 2008, my Grandpa E went to be with Jesus. We held his funeral and burial on Saturday, Valentine’s Day 2009. It was a really sad day, but also a wonderful day of memories, filled with love from family and friends.

The sweet: Last year, on January 12, 2010 (both my Grandmother’s and my Grandmother-in-Law’s birthday), my sweet little boy told me that he wanted to ask Jesus to come live his his heart. C followed through with his public declaration of faith with a baptism on February 13, 2010!!

The sweetest yet: Late Tuesday night, after a crazy day of Valentines, swim practice and homework, my Big Girl and I talked about God’s amazing mercy, His great plans for us, and His Son. She told me that she’d been thinking a lot about God and Jesus and asked me to leave her room while she “had a talk with Jesus”. A few minutes later, she came into the kitchen and whispered to her Daddy the sweetest words that a parent can hear: I just ask Jesus to be my Lord and Savior.

On a day when the world often gets carried away with pink and red and hearts and chocolates, we celebrate too! We share our love with each other and with friends for 1 reason: Because He first loved us!

I participated in a craft swap with Andrea. She sent me this beautiful heart print for Valentine’s Day. I know that she probably had no clue what God had in store for my Valentine’s Day, but this small piece of art will forever be a reminder of the day that God changed one very special heart!