Tag Archives: pencil pouches

Go Back to School With PersonaliTy

Big things are happening in my little shop!  I’m so excited to have all my sewing/embroidery gear in one location.  A friend was so generous to lend me space to sew for the past few months, but there is no place like home.

So, what’s new at PersonaliTy Children’s Clothes?

Well…for starters, there’s this bad boy!


Woo hoo!

I’m so excited about upgrading to this 10-needle.  It allows me to multitask and stitch a jon jon while monogramming another.  It also makes it super-easy to personalize uniform shirts and backpacks and lunch bags!

Speaking of backpacks and lunch bags…




These are just a few of the new items available at www.personalitychildrens.com .  I keep the preschool backpacks and lunch bags in stock.  I can order full-size backpacks if you need one.

And then…what little boy doesn’t need his own baseball cap!  These are the perfect finishing touch to a seersucker jon jon.


So there you have it.  Just a few of the new things to get your ready to go back to school with PersonaliTy!