Tag Archives: peppers

I wonder if Mom is missing her cookbook yet???

I snitched my Momma’s new cookbook. Shhh…don’t tell her.

The kids and hubby and I are loving the Homesick Texan Cookbook! So far, I’ve cooked with tomatillos and poblano peppers, fried corn tortillas, refried beans, made chaulpas, and botched tortilla soup. The tortilla soup had a wonderful smokey flavor—but somehow I added WAAAAAY too much chili pepper!

Up next: rendering my own lard (can you say cracklins’), carnitas, and homemade tortillas.  

By the way, the book is so much fun to read, even if you never pick up a pepper!  I love the back stories Lisa Fain includes with her recipes.  She also does a wonderful job explaining just how different food is in Texas, depending on where you are!  The recipes we’ve tried have been delicious, so much so that the 6-year-old recommended that his MoMo just buy another copy!  

***I should probably mention that I have no affiliation with Lisa Fain or the Homesick Texan.  I literally just swiped my mom’s book and I liked it so much I wanted to tell you about it.***