Tag Archives: sewing projects

Happy Easter!


The idea of the new birth that eggs bring is such a beautiful idea. 

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away, and look, new things have come.  2 Corinthians 5: 17

We didn’t dye Easter eggs this year.  Instead, I spent a few minutes stitching up these.  Addie and Christopher stuffed them for me. 


The pattern is from Sweetwater’s little sprout collection.  I love these quick little patterns.  They give me a great way to use up tiny bits of fun new fabric collections.


What’s on My Cutting Table-February 5th Edition

Cutting table 020513

Along with all the seersucker and Easter pieces I’m shipping to my customers, I’ve got 2 other projects on the cutting table right now.

1.  Pants for the boy.  He hates zippers.  But…he’s almost 8!  For his birthday, I’ve decided to make 2 pair of slacks with a fake fly front and an elastic waistband.  I’m making a (hopefully wearable) muslin out of a random piece of gray.  If it works well, then I’ll make a second pair out of a pale-blue/gray pinstripe.


2.  A dress for the girl.  She doesn’t often get excited about fabric at the store, so when she does I grab it.  This piece is crazy!


There is so much going on in this one piece of fabric.  Neither one of us liked the border of the fabric, so I kept that in mind when looking for a pattern.  I choose Simpilicity 1815.  It’s a cute little sundress and I’ve cut it so that the pleated top will be mostly pink, changing to white at the waist and then the hem will feature large pink/orange/black print.



That’s what’s on my cutting table.  What projects are you working on?