Tag Archives: trends

Wearing the Trend: NEON! (aka how to compromise with your 10 year old)


Remember that trend from the 80s.  Glow in the dark pinks and yellows and greens.  It’s enough to burn your retinas!

Well…it’s back.  And thanks to the displays near the front door of our local Target, my daughter is in love with these crazy colors!

After a little conversation and a little compromise, we figured out how my 10-year-old could embrace the neon trend and keep Momma and Daddy happy at the same time.

It’s all about the accessories.  After all, less is more!


We grabbed this cute little dress off the rack at Target.  I’d love for her to wear dresses all the time, but my little athlete scoffs at that idea.  We compromised with a dress Momma liked, leggings that she insisted on, and a white sweater belted with a burn your eyeballs glow-in-the-dark pink belt!


This color is intense!  This outfit is also her choice for Easter.  For my fellow church members, I apologize in advance.  Just don’t stare at the scarf for too long!  I love seersucker (surprise, surprise).  I also think that yellow and blue are perfect for the spring.  The skirt is a basic little skirt with a drawstring waist.    She paired it with a white top and sweater and this scarf that she had to have.  She was willing to wash dishes by hand for the scarf.  (That’s desperate, y’all!).

What crazy trends are your kids into?