The reason chocolate was invented…

It’s not very often that I will rip a recipe right out of a magazine, but when I saw the one for Mississippi Mud Cookies in the August issue of Southern Living, I knew I’d have to try it.

These are probably the best cookies I have ever tasted. The dough is plenty sticky, so the clean-up is tough, but so worth it. We substituted walnuts for pecans and tossed in a few extra chocolate chips and loved the cookies. If you don’t get Southern Living, you can find the recipe here:

On a different note, the open house at our new kindergarten went well. Our Big Girl was a little disappointed that most of the children didn’t respond when she introduced herself to them. I suppose she startled them by being so upfront. They’ll just have to get used to that.

And just a little useless trivia (unless you have a 2 year-old, in which case it could be important)… After visiting Churck E. Cheese today–what fun–the
Little Man asked me the name of Chuck E.’s bird friend. After a little research, it’s Helen Henny, just in case you ever wondered.

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