Toph floats!

It was a beautiful weekend. We fished, we flew kites, we ate yummy foods at Popos, we worked puzzles, we learned that the Little Man floats!

He was just back from a boat ride around the lake. Standing on the dock, he tried to toss his life vest back into the boat and then SPLASH!!! The longest half-second of my life! Then he surfaced and tread water until my hubby and my dad pulled him out.

I am so grateful that God protected his little 3-year-old head. With only about 24 inches between the dock and the boat, it is only God’s grace that he didn’t bust his head!

As for the swimming, well, thank you Justin and Leah!!! The folks at the Swim School are worth their weight in gold!

And in only his special way, he offered this: “I didn’t get to feel any fish.” I think he was disappointed.

As for my Big Girl: she learned to fly a kite!

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