DIY Fringe Scarf


Oh my goodness!  Easiest project ever!  This scarf takes about 15 minutes and can be so cheap, or even free, depending on what’s in your stash!  I found the idea on Pinterest, but I recreated the steps here:

1. Find a tee shirt.  Any tee shirt would do, but I wanted a green scarf, so I found mine at Michaels for $2.99.  IMG_5185

2.  Chop it off below the arm holes.IMG_5186

3.  Slice into the scarf.  I made 1/2 inch slices about half way up the rectangle.


4.  Gently tug on each of the strips, stretching them.  They will curl naturally as you pull.IMG_5197IMG_5198

5.  Ignore the crummy cell phone picture and enjoy your new easy-peesy scarf.


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