Tag Archives: tee shirt

DIY Fringe Scarf


Oh my goodness!  Easiest project ever!  This scarf takes about 15 minutes and can be so cheap, or even free, depending on what’s in your stash!  I found the idea on Pinterest, but I recreated the steps here:

1. Find a tee shirt.  Any tee shirt would do, but I wanted a green scarf, so I found mine at Michaels for $2.99.  IMG_5185

2.  Chop it off below the arm holes.IMG_5186

3.  Slice into the scarf.  I made 1/2 inch slices about half way up the rectangle.


4.  Gently tug on each of the strips, stretching them.  They will curl naturally as you pull.IMG_5197IMG_5198

5.  Ignore the crummy cell phone picture and enjoy your new easy-peesy scarf.
