My Get-Me-Through-This-Day Drink


Today the kids had a swim meet. For the first time ever, we had to be there all day!  (As in we left the house at 6 and got back home at 5:45.)  That’s a really, really, really long time to be in a hot, humid, chlorinated room!

In the past, I’d have survived the day on Cokes.  That’s after starting the day with a huge cup of Community Coffee. I’m trying to do better.  (I did have 1 canned Coke today, just so you know, and a cup of coffee.)

Today, that cute green thermos was filled with chai tea with a little milk and honey.  I’m a new chai convert.  I like the spice with the sweet.  Enter my problem:  I can’t quite get it right.  I’ve tried Cafe Escapes Chai Latte for the Kurig.  Too fake sweet.  I’ve tried making my own with Chai tea bags and creamer.  Not enough spice.

So…do you drink chai lattes?  What’s your recipe? 

What drink gets you though the day?

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