You’re Invited…

I’ve been blogging for 5 1/2 years.  I started off sharing photos of the kids and sewing projects.  More often than not, it’s just been milestones and day-to-day snippets.  Sometimes, I share what God is doing in my life.  Sometimes, it’s sewing reviews, tidbits, and tips.  Sometimes, it’s cheesy pictures of my garden.  Sometimes, it’s updates about my shop.  Through it all, I’ve just kinda been me.  Yes, I did try to impress on occasion.  Yes, I did mostly share the good stuff over the bad.  But still, I’ve been real—most of the time.

Blogging has changed.  I haven’t.  Much.  And this boggles my mind.  I’ve developed a bout of writer’s block and my mind is full of questions.  What to say?  Who really cares?  (Hi Aunt Jo!  I know you’re watching and enjoying the pictures of the kids!)  Why would I post this cheesy project when there are 780,453 more awesome projects on Pinterest?  What do I want (need) to share?  Why am I blogging?  I’ve wrestled with these questions for a while now.

Enter my word for the year:


I feel convicted to open my home to others, to be a friend, to cultivate relationships, and to be open, welcoming, and real.  This blog is an extension of me, my home, my life.  It should reflect my personality, my hopes, my beliefs.  So, starting today, that’s what I’m giving you.  The open, welcoming, real me.

You are invited…

to be real with me.

See the ins and outs of our family,

the way we spend our time,

the things that bring us joy.

 Get to know me.

What:  Real Life

When:  Several times a week.

Where:  Here on the blog, on FB, on Twitter, or on Instagram.

No RSVP necessary.  Just stick around!

2 thoughts on “You’re Invited…”

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